Support for women farmers for climate change adaptation in Togo


  • Map Marker Kara region, Togo

OPAS supports rural women through a solar-powered well, helping them to keep their gardens during dry season and drought periods.



L’Association OPAS (Organisation pour la Promotion de l’Agroécologie Solidaire) est créée à Lomé (Togo) le 02 juillet 2018. Elle est enregistrée auprès du Ministère de l’Administration Territoriale, de la Décentralisation et des Collectivités Locales le 06 Août 2019 sous le numéro 0729 MATDCL SG-DLPAP-DOCA. L’association OPAS a pour but de contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie socio-économique des communautés à la base dans une approche de développement humain, durable et participatif à travers la promotion de l’agroforesterie. Elle intervient dans trois (03) domaines : Entrepreneuriat social, Agriculture biologique durable et Environnement . Nos bénéficiaires sont les populations rurales notamment: les enfants démunis et orphelins, les jeunes et les femmes agricultrices rurales. Nous disposons d'une ferme-école agro-écologique qui accompagne ces bénéficiaires sur les actions en adaptation face aux changements climatiques. Pour plus d'infos visitez notre site web.
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Women farmers are very vulnerable to climate change. Many of them are becoming increasingly poor due to unpredictable weather conditions. Some women find it difficult to support their children. They lack the means to pay for schooling and health care. Others have not option but to bring the children with them to look for wood to sell. This helps them earn money to feed the family.

OPAS supports women in their agricultural activities with irrigation techniques during dry seasons and climate change adaptation practices to improve their agricultural yield.

The solution of water pumps powered by solar panels is very efficient in drought-prone areas. This initiative should be scaled up and replicated.

When women are developed and financially independent, their families benefit and their children have the chance to go to school.

Key objective

We also work to improve access to drinking water in rural communities and we are currently supporting 150 women farmers’ cooperatives with income-generating activities, particularly market gardening and the cultivation of aromatic plants during the dry season.

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