Support for women farmers for climate change adaptation in Togo


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OPAS helps empower rural women farmers to stand tall against climate change through solar irrigation, climate-smart practices, and income diversification.



L’Association OPAS (Organisation pour la Promotion de l’Agroécologie Solidaire) est créée à Lomé (Togo) le 02 juillet 2018. Elle est enregistrée auprès du Ministère de l’Administration Territoriale, de la Décentralisation et des Collectivités Locales le 06 Août 2019 sous le numéro 0729 MATDCL SG-DLPAP-DOCA. L’association OPAS a pour but de contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie socio-économique des communautés à la base dans une approche de développement humain, durable et participatif à travers la promotion de l’agroforesterie. Elle intervient dans trois (03) domaines : Entrepreneuriat social, Agriculture biologique durable et Environnement . Nos bénéficiaires sont les populations rurales notamment: les enfants démunis et orphelins, les jeunes et les femmes agricultrices rurales. Nous disposons d'une ferme-école agro-écologique qui accompagne ces bénéficiaires sur les actions en adaptation face aux changements climatiques. Pour plus d'infos visitez notre site web.
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Key objectives

OPAS hopes to continue and expand by:

  • Equipping more women farmers’ cooperatives with solar-powered irrigation systems, prioritising drought-prone regions.
  • Train more women farmers in climate-smart agricultural practices and income generation activities, with a focus on market gardening and high-value crops.
  • Develop partnerships with local organisations to scale up their model and further support women farmers’ cooperatives in adopting these strategies.
  • Conduct surveys and focus groups to measure the impact of the program on crop yields, household income, and school enrollment rates for women farmers’ children.
  • Increase the average household income of participating women farmers.

Women Farmers: Standing Tall in a Changing Climate
Unpredictable weather patterns threaten rural women farmers. Droughts devastate their gardens, jeopardising food security and livelihoods. Many women struggle to support their families, limiting their children’s access to education and healthcare.

OPAS: Empowering Change
Hope arrives through the Organisation for the Promotion of Solidarity Agroecology (OPAS). They empower women farmers with innovative solutions like solar-powered water pumps. These game-changers ensure access to irrigation during dry seasons, keeping gardens flourishing and food security intact.

Beyond Water: Building Resilience
OPAS goes beyond immediate needs. They equip women with climate adaptation practices to improve long-term agricultural yields. Additionally, OPAS supports 150 women farmers’ cooperatives with income-generating activities. These initiatives focus on market gardening and cultivating aromatic plants during dry seasons, diversifying income streams and fostering financial independence.

Empowering Women, Strengthening Communities
When women farmers thrive, their families benefit. Increased income translates to better education and healthcare for children. This creates a ripple effect, strengthening communities for a brighter future.

A Call to Action: Replicate and Scale Up
OPAS’s success highlights the transformative power of solar-powered irrigation and income generation. This approach deserves wider adoption to empower more rural women farmers globally, creating a wave of positive change.

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