Youths flipping the script in Ecuador

by Investoria Foundation

  • Map Marker Quito, Provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador

Our action, “Young people flipping the script in Ecuador”, aims to generate youth-led proposals to address sustainable development.


Investoria Foundation

Investoria Foundation is a Nonprofile organization en Ecuador. Our work focuses on sustainable develpment, gender, climate and open government. Investoria aims to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs in Ecuador from the implementation and measurement of their achievement. For this purpose, our work are focused on the citizenship of information, data visualization and citizen generated data to complement official data. In addition we work on data generation at local level to promote evidence-based decision making. For this objective, we work on capacity building, design of toolkits and multi stakeholders research projects.
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Ecuador has an official decree which commits the country to the achievement of the SDGs, but the progress has been minimal and has even regressed. Some initiatives such as the Ecuador 2030 program. led by the Presidency of the Republic was cancelled. The Parliamentary Group for the SDGs disappeared, and various indicators have suffered setbacks due to the pandemic and international economic crisis.

In this context, it is essential to promote concrete and articulated actions on SDG achievement. Our action, “Young people flipping the script in Ecuador” aims to generate youth-led proposals to address sustainable development from a bottom-up and local focus.

The proposal focuses on three main actions:

– Youth-led and emerging civil society organizations’ Open House
– Mingas de Ideación – Collective Design Thinking
– SDGTalks

Key objective

Main objetive: To promote youth leadership in SDGs achievement through partnerships, advocacy, and public mobilization.
# of participants
# of proposals
# of organizations

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