"Adopt a tree, not a weapon": climate action and peacebuilding

by Amani-Institute ASBL

  • Map Marker République démocratique du Congo

This initiative focuses on engaging young people in raising awareness around climate issues in the context of violent conflict and the war.


Amani-Institute ASBL

The non-profit organization Amani-Institute ASBL is a socio-cultural movement bringing together young volunteers, including former child soldiers, working to promote the culture of peace and the development of grassroots communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
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The climate crisis is a reality today in the Republic Democratic Republic of the Congo and elsewhere in the world. And curiously, it affects people from disproportionate way. Populations in conflict zones are the most exposed to this threat. The Amani-Institute ASBL organization, which is a socio-cultural movement bringing together young volunteers working to promote the culture of peace and the development of grassroots communities in the DR Congo, calls on people and especially activists and decision-makers at all levels, to turn their gaze to the climate crisis, the effects of which are being felt hard on disadvantaged populations. This with the idea of ​​calling for the disarmament of violence for the armament of climate action in the world. Apart from the development and maintenance of the tree nurseries we plant, we also organize workshops and participatory forum theater performances in the psychodrama style to mobilize people. This is our innovative approach in this context.

Key objective

The overall idea is to help young people to nurture or develop a feeling or mental, affective, social, eco-citizen and responsible faculties, favorable to the protection of the environment and active non-violence. Since then, we have created and are supervising a hundred “eco-citizen brigades” of young climate and peace ambassadors in eastern DR Congo, and we would like to triple them in the next three years, if we have all the necessary means, but we would also like to impact other young people in the African Great Lakes region who could also duplicate our way of doing things by using art as an educational tool.

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